Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost End of the Year

Wow. Six months. and still no posts from Jen!
Anyways, here we are approaching the end of the year, and almost everything is complete that are my usual end of the year stuff to complete. I will post the link to the next Daily Herrald as soon as its available off of the presses. Should be tomorrow, but I'll certainly have it up by mid-January. February at the latest...

Quick recap:
We went camping in June,
From The Bridgefutab 71/365L and J Fishing7/8 for 2008 70/365

then took the boys on a 20 mile backpacking trip,

then to scout camp,
Huntington Lake SunriseCamp Food

Took a Studio Lighting Class at the local college,
Grandpa's ToolsJaden in HighkeyJennifer in HighkeySharlean's JobEliel in Highkey
Pryce in HighkeyTrebor in HighkeyJ & I in Highkey (last one!) 77/365IMG_1200smPalms in front

Halloween was in there somewhere,
the clan

then went down to San Diego for the weekend,
Family Portrait 2008


Lasre said...

Jen Jen Jen....why no images?? Oh well...

Rae said...

Yeah, I noticed she didn't post hardly anything. Well, thanks for keeping me posted Rob.